I hereby consent that the photographs taken on this day (or the date rescheduled) by Oksana Berry o/a Photography by Oksana may be used by Photography by Oksana. All images taken by Oksana Berry or assisting photographers on behalf of Photography by Oksana can be used for the purpose of display on social media, website, advertising; competitions; or publications to promote the studio or vendors used by the studio. I further agree that the images can be used without additional compensation to the undersigned. I also declare that I have the legal authority to grant these permissions, and I accept all responsibilities for such. I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents hereof. I represent that I am the above-named model or parent/guardian of the above-named underage model and/or have obtained permission from the above-named adult models to act on their behalf. For value received, I hereby consent to the foregoing on his/her/their behalf.

Photos will not be tagged, and names will not be mentioned in any form of display. There is a $100 fee for keeping images off social media or any advertising if requested.


The Photographer takes the utmost care with respect to the exposure, development, and delivery of photographic products and services ordered. However, if the Photographer fails to comply with the terms of this contract due to any event or act outside of the control of the Photographer, the Photographer’s liability is limited to the refund of the fees paid.

The Client agrees that all copyrights and/or intellectual property rights for all photographs taken at the session shall be held exclusively by Photography by Oksana. It is a violation of federal copyright law to allow photographs created by Photography by Oksana to be reprinted, duplicated, digitally reproduced, copied, scanned, or altered without our written permission.

The Photographer reserves the right to use reproductions of any images, taken of you by the Photographer, for the purpose of display, illustration, advertising, competition, or publication. The Client shall have no claims in any manner regarding the Photographer or publishers of these photographs present or future.


Tardiness on the client’s part may result in reduced shooting time, which may, in turn, result in fewer images presented by the photographer.


If negligence on the client’s part, the part of any above-named models, or the part of any individuals that accompany the client to the photo session causes any equipment, props, or any of the photographer’s property to malfunction or become damaged, that the client will be liable for the cost to repair or replace said item(s).


The Client shall submit a non-refundable $50 deposit (per session) to reserve a spot for photo services of their chosen session. Payment can be sent via E-transfer to within 48 hours of booking. The client can request an invoice and payment can be made from there via credit card.  Deposits will be applied to the session fees. The client will receive an invoice the week of their session and all payments must be made in full prior to the session date. If the client is deemed a ‘no-show’ at the time of the scheduled service, they will not be rebooked and the payments will not be refunded.


Proofing gallery images are selected by the photographer based on lighting, composition, and expression. Not all images from the session will be included in the proofing gallery. The proofing gallery will contain all of the best images from the session. The client will choose their designated amount of images from the gallery which are then edited to the photographer’s standards. The client has the option to purchase additional images from their proofing gallery at a cost of $25-$30 each. The photographer will edit and deliver only those images chosen and paid for by the client. RAW or unedited images are not available for download or for purchase. Images are edited to remove minor blemishes, smooth the skin, correct colour and exposure, crop, and prepare for print and presentation. The photographer reserves the creative right to edit and release only those deemed creditable as professional quality and within the photographer’s artistic standards. Image standards are based on creative vision as well as technical standards (exposure, white balance, crop, etc) and not on personal appearance, the direction of subject’s gaze, facial expression or mood. The Client agrees and understands that the type of work provided will be of similar style and caliber to the images shown on Photography by Oksana ( website. The Client agrees to allow Photography by Oksana complete creative control over the edits, the location of the session as well as any poses or lack thereof executed at the session. Additional edits post-delivery of the gallery may be considered at a rate of $30 per image/alteration with a minimum rate of one hour.

Photography by Oksana may end the session at their discretion according to her determination of having captured adequate images both in terms of quality and quantity.

The unedited Gallery will be delivered to the client within a week of the session date.

The client has 2 weeks before the expiration of their gallery to make image selections upon receiving their gallery.

Images will be completed within 4 weeks of submission of the selected images.

The Client agrees to relay the details of this contract to any and all subjects involved in the session.

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